Thursday 21 July 2016

understand the importance of resource conservation

•conservation of resources: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future

•includes both the protection and rational use of resources 
•both the demand for and supply of need to be planned to achieve a sustainable system 

•actions of conservation 
          •recycling e.g aluminium, 
          •using energy efficient products saves the use of fossil fuels    
          •re-use of resources such as plastic bags, donating clothes 
          •quotas only allow countries to take a certain amount of a resource 
          •product stewardship is where manufactures have responsibility to reduce the effects
          •greater investment in renewable energy 
          •‘green taxation’ for amount of emissions produced 

•examples of energy conservation measures 

          •improve public transport 
          •set a high tax on petrol 
          •ensure public services are energy efficient 
          •set maximum fuel consumption requirements 
          •imposing congestion charges in the city centre
          •encourage recycling 
          •promote investment in renewable energy 
          •pass laws for manufactures to produce more efficient electrical products 

                    •walk rather than drive 
                    •use a bicycle 
                    •buy low emission cars
                    •reduce car usage 
                    •use public transport 
                    •car pool 

                    •use low-energy light bulbs
                    •install cavity wall insulation 
                    •improve loft insulation 
                    •wear more clothes instead of central heating 
                    •wash clothes at a lower temperature 
                    •purchase high energy efficient appliances 
                    •don’t leave appliances on standby 

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