Thursday 21 July 2016

describe how economic activities may pose threats to the natural environment, locally and globally

•environmental threats of economic activities - causes 
          •food production 
                    •destruction of soil
                    •chemical sprays 
                    •deforestation of an area
                    •killing habitats for food 
                    •air pollution from machines 

                    •loss of habitat
                    •acid rain 
                    •creates greenhouse gases 
                    •impacts on food chains 
                    •global warming 
                    •atmospheric pollution 
                    •kills animals 

                    •destruction of habitats 
                    •damage of corals 
                    •increases pollution from travel 
                    •kills habitats by building hotels
                    •litter from tourists can kill animals  

                    •transporting fuels creates pollution 
                    •pollution created by using energy supplies 
                    •fracking from the ground 
                    •visual pollution from the factories, ugly and smoke  
                    •noise pollution from the factories 

          •water supply 
                    •drowns and kills species 
                    •washes soil 
                    •affects biodiversity and wildlife 
                    •climate change may lead to drought, drying out certain areas
                    •becomes poisonous from mixing with sewage and chemical waste                    

•the threat if economic activities to the natural environment 
          •pollution (air) - local and global 
                    •lead can affect the brain development of children 
                    •indoor air pollution is worse in LEDCs due to biomass heating and fuel 
                    •gives people asthma attacks 
                    •carbon monoxide can reduce oxygen transportation 
                    •greenhouse gases can lead to climate change 
                    •toxic air pollutants can cause cancer 

          •pollution (water) - local and global 
                    •eutrophication from nitrates kills water animals 
                    •increase in cancer rate from anti-cancer medicines in the sewage into water supply 
                    •destruction of ecosystems 
                    •chemical sprays and fuel leaks may contaminate 

          •pollution (noise) - local 
                    •increases human blood pressure 
                    •reduces ability to sleep 
                    •high decibels can kill animals’ hearing 
                    •causes behavioural problems as animals use sound for signals 

          •pollution (visual) - local  
                    •eyesore and distressing to users
                    •may devalue house prices in an area 

•economic activities generate greenhouse gases 
          •carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and ozone are examples - management 
                    •use clean energy
                    •electric car
                    •plant trees
                    •line dry clothes 
                    •don’t leave things on standby 

•effects of enhanced global warming 
          •global temperature variations and heatwaves
          •rising sea levels 
          •melting of ice caps 
          •increasing acidity in oceans 
          •growth of the tropical belt           
          •destroying ecosystems 

•soil erosion
                    •results from high population pressure 
                    •overgrazing of natural pastures 
                    •poor agricultural practices 
                    •absence of soil conservation of marginal land

          •consequences of soil erosion and desertification
                              •gradual transformation of habitable land to desert 
                              •caused by climate change and destructive land use 
                              •natural causes may include temporary drought periods 
                                        •occurs when already fragile land in arid areas is overused 

                              •loss of traditional knowledge and skills 
                              •forced migration due to food scarcity 
                              •social tensions in reception areas for migrant 

                              •reduced income from traditional economy 
                              •decreased availability of fuelwood, leading to purchasing oil 
                              •increased dependence on food aid 
                              •increased rural poverty 
                              •migration causes loss of tax revenue

                              •loss of soil nutrients from wind and soil erosion 
                              •changes in composition of vegetation
                              •loss of biodiversity 
                              •reduction in available land for farming 
                              •increased sedimentation of streams because of soil erosion 
                              •dust storms due to activity breaking up matter further 

          •management of soil erosion
                    •use fertilisers 
                    •contour ploughing 
                    •plant trees
                    •prevent water from being channelled downslope
                    •do not overgraze 
                    •use wind protectors

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